Indoor/Outdoor Individual Kennels
AKC Inspected & 100% compliant
The featured kennels are from our facility in Ramona CA, we have since moved to Sheridan OR and are in the process of designing and building a whole new facility on our new 50 acre land where we will offer field access/training, boarding and breeding services.
Buildings/Kennels All Include:
Each dog always has its own individual space inside and out
Indoor spaces are 4'x4'x6'
Outdoor runs are a mix of 6'x16', 9'x10', 4'x12' and 8'x24'
Digital feeders set to feed 3x a day
Double walled & Insulated to regulate temperature
Elevated solid floor to regulate temperature
Solid non-porous lined walls and flooring with drains
Ceiling fans and area fans to keep air circulating
Digital in-wall air conditioners
Heating units and lamps on timers
Multiple windows with screens
Fire alarm system into house
Field Training:
Multiple birds available - Pigeon, pheasants, chukar and quail.
Will assist in training dogs in the field that came from us.
If we have room and no litters at the time, and a dog is good in a
kennel, we will board for a daily rate. Only dogs that came from us.