Must Read Info For All Dog Owners
Behavior - Aggression and dog gender differences: Study by Tufts University: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/canine-corner/201404/aggression-between-dogs-in-the-same-household
Early spay/neuter and risks of hip dysplasia: http://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/new-study-neuter-risk-hip-dysplasia-dogs/
Weimaraner Specific Info
Best single site for all things Weimaraner - Just Weimaraners blog - https://justweimaraners.com/
Other Important Info
Microchips & ID – they are great in the event your dog slips its collar or is stolen and happens to be found with no collar but has your information stored in the microchip, however keep in mind most people do not have a reader and generally just vets, animal control, and shelters do which is not really where you want your dog to end up. In addition, readers just tell them the number not any of the contact info, the person has to try and figure out the company that made it and call them directly with the number to get the info and furthermore most people never even update it. Other reason to microchip is some clubs also require permanent identification.
There is a lot of misinformation about microchips and how it all works and EVERYONE SHOULD READ ALL 3 OF THESE WEBSITE LINKS INFO:
READ: Explains pet microchips - http://www.petmicrochiplookup.org/
CHECK: It is essential that your microchip # be associated with a registry database company participating in the AAHA universal pet microchip lookup. Enter your pet's microchip number into the search box and see which registry (of hundreds) has info for the microchip# in question and then make sure your current information is on file with each of the registries listed. - https://www.foundanimals.org/microchip-registry/
DO: If your microchip# did not show up as enrolled with a registry database company participating in the AAHA universal pet microchip lookup tool, then immediately go register with the nonprofit group Found Animals Registry to ensure your participation in the ONLY universal pet microchip lookup (AAHA). There is zero cost for registration with Found Animals Registry and it is the non profit company we use to implement our microchipping program.
Best collars out there: http://www.lcsupply.com/LCS-Dayglo-Collar-1-O-Ring/productinfo/DGC1/
AKC – American Kennel Club - www.akc.org
Upon completion of your registration application you will begin receiving emails and information from AKC and they really do have a lot of great health and training information they put out. There is no yearly membership fee.
WCA – Weimaraner Club of America - https://www.weimaranerclubofamerica.org/
To become a member of the WCA you must be sponsored in and we as your breeder would be happy to do so for those that get pups from us. Their site provides a lot of Weimaraner specific information for free.
NAVHDA – North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association - https://www.navhda.org/
Encompasses many breeds and with your national membership you will receive a month publication that includes a lot of great training advice and much more.
There are many chapters around the US and joining one or multiple is encouraged as they offer monthly training days that are free with your membership and you will learn a lot about your dog, how to train and work with it yourself, and have an overall great time with great people.
UKC – United Kennel Club - www.ukcdogs.com
UKC is much like AKC in the type of events they offer however they actually allow more breeds than AKC, their point and competition structure is a lot different and we find it overall to be a much more fun group of people to be around and compete with as they do not allow professional handlers, you has the owner or breeder show your dog.
IABCA - International All Breed Canine Association - https://www.iabca.com/
This association is very fun to start your showing experience at. The format is way different than the other associations and is ran on an international format of grading dogs individually against the breed standard and not against each other so it does not matter what dogs or handlers are at the event or not at the event. You will receive a very detailed handwritten individual critique and rating of your dog from each judge.
Barn Hunt - https://www.barnhunt.com/index.html
If you want to have a bunch of fun and your dog even more so than you should go to a Barn Hunt! This organization is for anyone, any age, and any breed dog. A great family fun event. For much more info visit www.barnhunt.com
Directory of all known Weim rescues – https://justweimaraners.com/weim-rescue-directory/